Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wk #30 and more than 10 pounds of babies!!!

Week I don't know that either of us expected to get this far. Our dr's appt went smoothly today and we already know that the fetal fibronectin test came back in our favor (meaning that there is no indication that I will go into pre-term labor in the next two weeks). Of course, my concern now is.."will they EVER come out?!?!"
The BIG news (no pun intended) is their growth estimate information. The ultrasound tech measures the head, an arm bone and a leg bone and then plugs all of that into the computer to get an estimate of the weight of each baby. Today (drum roll please), they are estimated at:
Baby A (our little one who is squished): 3lbs 4oz
Baby B (our chunky monkey): 3lbs 10oz
Baby C (our big boy): 3lbs 8oz
GRAND TOTAL: approx 10lbs 6oz!!!!! PLUS placentas, fluid, etc.
Needless to say, I think we know why I feel like doo-doo these days and why eating food, breathing and moving all seem to be so challenging. The babies are definitely taking up more space and growing well.
They were also INCREDIBLY active throughout the entire appt. She had a difficult time getting the measurements as they just would not sit still. It was hard to keep an eye on the ultrasound screen because it was almost as entertaining to watch my tummy moving and bulging. We aren't sure how much longer they will be able to be this active considering they are getting so big and surely they will run out of room to move around.
I was able to get a prescription for heartburn and have been told that I can try Benedryl in an effort to get a little more sleep at night (though I think that the trips to the restroom will continue to make that difficult). We are still working to get a grip on my glucose levels and the amount of insulin to use when eating higher carb things (like 2 Dunkin Donuts - ooohhhh were they GOOOOOOD!!!!!).
My other sister, Sandi, is in town for a few days and Mom took us to Red Lobster for lunch yesterday. I managed to eat everything on my plate and decided that the babies really do like shrimp scampi (and it is low in carbs, but high in calories). Troy and I had a very early lunch at the Olive Garden after our appt this morning and I was thrilled to get to eat breadsticks. So, I am able to get larger meals down at times, although it usually causes me to skip meals later because I stay "full" for the next 8 hours!
Babies wanted me to give a shout out to everyone as they are jumping around as I try to finish this up. Thanks for checking on us again and for your prayers and support. We are really so amazed to be at this point - just a few weeks away from meeting our little miracles. Very cool!


Chanda the Eco-Cheap Mom said...

Keep up the good work! I feel stuffed just thinking about that much baby in the belly! :)

Anonymous said...

Glad everything went great for you all today. We are anxious to see your little ones. Ours will be here tomorrow. Hannah has a c-section scheduled at 7:00AM. We are thinking of you guys and praying that everything stays great!