Saturday, May 21, 2011

Keepin' Busy on the Weekend!

Aunt Karen was super nice today to take Clark out for a bit while she ran some errands. Clark also assisted Uncle Tom today in some landscaping and maintenance. I took the girls for a bike ride on the greenway to the park for some play time and then to Poopa's for a snack and drink. All kids napped like champs today as they were all out of bed and going by 7. Yes 7. After a super nap, we watched a little TV as it was very hot outside, had some dinner, watermelon dessert outside and then worked in our future garden spot a little in the backyard. After that, bath time where Kendall was super helpful with getting everyone clean. Popcorn and movie night is in full effect as I type. Tomorrow? Well, Clean Sheet Sunday of course!

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