Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

We had a great day as a family.  First it was breakfast at McDonald's.  Then errand-running and to the park in Oak Ridge and lunch in the car.  Nap time was almost welcomed by the kids as I think they were pretty tired.   Auntie Karen and Uncle Tom came by after naps to play outside and then we had lots of fun time together after baths. 

My funny story of the day was when Kendall heard me say something from upstairs (she was in the playroom downstairs) and she shouted "Kiiimmmm!!!"  I responded with "I am not Kim.  I am Mommy."  Her response?  "Um, yeah.  OK.  Sure."  Nice. 
Happy Mother's Day to everyone. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

What a pistol she is! LOVE the mommy pics. Happy Mother's Day!