Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Impact of American Idol....

The kids stayed up later than usual.  Dinner was eaten even later than that.  And we watched the DVR version of American Idol with about a 75 minute delay.  And, despite the lack of a warning of a potential "spoiler alert" by a certain Uncle who shall remain nameless, we watched the final episode of American Idol tonight which leads to a late posting by me. 
While I might have my own opinions about the winner, I TOTALLY enjoyed the guest musicians on the show tonight!!!!  Chicago, The Bee Gees, Hall & Oates, Janet Jackson and the-one-and-only Celebrity Apprentice, Bret Michaels!  It felt like "This Is Your Life, Kim" in music.  It was lots of fun.
Enough about me because I know that NONE of you are here to read about me. : )
I have one girl who is still enjoying her time on the "pee-pee-potty" just before bathtime.  We are still just reading books, but it is a step and I will take it!
This potty-training thing will definitely get interesting, I'm sure.  Right now, it is lazy.  We just discuss it.  Mention the idea of the potty.  Suggest it as an option.  But there is absolutely NO PRESSURE to use the potty. 
I'm too tired to think of anything else, so nightie-night.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Can't wait to see them tonight. I'm bringing toys so make a little room on the shelf. :)