Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wearing Out the Mommy

Mommy and Daddy were up super-early (for us) today and the day was L.O.N.G. : ) We had lots of fun with the kids, but that was in between a few serious meltdowns.  C and E have sort of been in a mood that means tantrums are possible and quite likely for no reason at all.  I had a very challenging time with Emma tonight at bedtime, so I'm glad that all is quiet.  I sort of worry that we are "missing" something when they are whiny without a specific cause.  You know..."Could it be something from the fall last night?" or "Did they eat food that caused them harm?"  Do other moms and dads run those sorts of questions through their minds?  I just tell myself that it is due to communication issues and they just don't know quite how to express themselves yet. 
We had a picnic in the garage and then hung out for about an hour before the heat drained us all of our energy.  Play doh was a hit, as usual, and we even caught Clark trying to lick/eat play doh.  Ugh!  He shivers and makes a terrible face, so he KNOWS it doesn't taste good at all, yet he continues to stick it back in his mouth. 
I'm looking forward to a lazy-Sunday around the house.  What?!?!  Not gonna happen! 

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