Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday-time with Auntie Karen and Uncle Tom

The kids had another Sunday outing with their Auntie Karen and Uncle Tom.  Plans to hit Ijams Nature Center were scrapped when the kids started requesting a playground as soon as they hit the van.  Instead, they visited a play area in the World's Fair Park. 
There was an "equiment failure" for the girls as they spent the day with "droopy drawers" and their pants kept falling off.  Oops.  My bad for sending them in pants that didn't fit well.
We spent the rest of the day outside as much as possible because the weather just couldn't be any more perfect!  Daddy was able to get the lawn mowed.  I got almost all of the windows cleaned.  And we got a lot of little things done around the house that makes us feel inspired by our progress, but pooped as we come to the end of a great (and busy) weekend.
Happy Clean Sheet Sunday!

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