Jammer-time! 1.) Kendall. 2.) Emma and 3.) Clark Homemade smoothies in a bowl seemed easier than in a cup. I don't know that I feel the same way about that as I did before our first attempt. 4.)Kendall 5.)Clark 6.) Emma And a rare photo with all three together. Snack-time in the playroom. Yummy! 7.) Clark has a new trick... he can take his pants off! And he likes to wear them on his head! Woo hoo!
OK, I admit that I MIGHT be a tad bit biased, but seriously, I really think I have three super-cute kids! Sometimes, yes, they DO get on my nerves. But, when they are cute, they are CUTE! Emma even has this thing where you get a "hiiieeee" when she does something annoying and it seems that she is trying to get you to forget all about that little issue and get caught up in her cute-ness. Sneaky little booger.
Anyway, they are super-cute in their footie pajamas since it's a little chilly around here. We've had quite a time trying to find some that fit and keeping them straight. Often, Emma gets the "hand-me-downs" and wears whatever everyone else has outgrown, but who cares??? They are cute whether they have dinosaurs, princesses or dots.
Hope you enjoy the pics.
They are very cute kids! :)
too cute! hope you are doing well. we need to walk sometime before christmas! :)
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