Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kids on TV

We took the kiddos for their first haircuts yesterday and then had an errand to run at the mall. The local TV station was doing a little blurb on a kiosk there selling "stress-relief" items (massaging tools, heated wraps and the head massager - AKA "The Tingler". Our cuties got in the story - right at the end. Check out the link and you will see why:

I can't get it to post and take you right there, so just copy and paste the link to view. The kids are at the very end.

Hope you get a giggle out of this one!

1 comment:

The Deakins said...

I saw that when it actually came on and I caught the kids and I was like gosh, that looks like my friend I play bunco with-her triplets to my husband and he said-you have a friend who has triplets and you don't go 'help' her any? I said Johnny, if I were to "help" her I would have to bring my two and then that would just be total chaos!!!!
anyways, I'm here if you need "help" or destressing!!!! loved it!!!