Well, it's finally here....we hope. Tomorrow is the appt where we will potentially find out the sex of the beautiful babies. We are SO excited and hopeful that they don't decide to be shy. I want them to just bare it all for the doctor tomorrow so that there is no doubt about our boys and/or girls! I don't know how I will sleep tonight as last night was hard enough. I was having the strangest dreams....including the one where my belly button had already popped out! That was pretty freaky because I remember telling someone in the dream that it couldn't pop out yet because that would mean they were "done". (I've heard that the dreams of pregnant women can be pretty incredible, so we will assume that's what is going on here.)
As you can see, we finally posted a belly pic from tonight (week 15 and 1 day). Thought some of you would get a kick out of it if you haven't seen me lately and seen my progress. As you can tell, my appetite has improved and something is growing. Hopefully we will find out that the babies are HUGE and that will explain all of it! :)
Please keep all five of us in your prayers until we post again. We want to pray that they are healthy and growing big and strong in there. From what I've read, they should be about 4 inches from "crown to rump" (Aunt Karen likes that phrase). That's a whole foot of babies in there! We are praying that they will be bouncing and kicking and rolling all over the place while there is still a little room.
Check back tomorrow afternoon/evening for the latest......
I can't believe how much you've grown since last week! Amazing! Keep up the good work! I'm so proud of you!
Excuse me while I commence to freak out......
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