12 week old "monkey pics" : Kendall. Emma. Clark.
We have been SO bad about these monkey pictures. We just can't seem to get it together to get them taken. But I think it's pretty obvious that they are getting big quickly.
Things have been going better with our nighttime routine for the last few days. We have discontinued their Poly Vi Sol bottle (vitamins) at night and we are thinking that it might be helping. They seem to be much calmer in the evenings. We had bathtime tonight and then Daddy took their monkey pictures afterwards before they headed off to bed for a little nap before the last feeding of the night (coming up in just a minute or two).
Kendall is still just wow-ing us with her smiles. She can be so animated at times, especially while hanging out in the bouncy seat.
Emma is not quite as smiley, but still SO pleasant these days. And her hair is really coming in nicely. I can't wait to see what it is like in a few years (no rush though).
Clark is still being calm and cute. He is also smiling a lot more and he's just so darn cuddly.
The babies met Troy's good friend/"brother" Dave today (and his new wife, Amore). Dave has just recently returned from Iraq and we are SO happy that he is back in CA safe and sound. We were glad that he could take some time during his Knoxville visit to see us and the babies. He spent some quality time with Clark telling stories about Daddy. Hopefully he will be back soon to share more and we wish them the best in their new life together!
I've started feeding two babies at once while they sit in their car seats (the infant carrier type). This allows us to get them all fed much faster and I was even able to get all three done on my own - for the most part - on Saturday morning since Daddy was out the door for a work event. It's a little complicated when it comes to burping since they still don't really understand the concept of "wait". Once they are hungry and eating, they do not want to be interrupted until THEY are ready to burp, not brother or sister. And then there is the issue of the third baby. As long as that one doesn't wake up before I'm finished, we are in good shape. But if the remaining baby suddenly decides it's time to eat, then I have a little problem on my hands. But, I feel good that I'm making progress at getting just a little more independent. Again, I'm just hopeful that things will continue to get a little easier during feeding times so that either one of us can manage it alone.
We are hoping to start getting them out in public a little more in the next few weeks. I'd love to take them for walks in the neighborhood and will try to fit that in when I have help around, or if Daddy is home before it is dark.
I'll be back soon with more pictures and updates. We are counting down the days until "Uncle" Tommy and "Aunt" Teff's wedding. While the babies will not be celebrating with everyone AT the wedding, they will get to meet a lot of family and friends who will be in town for the wedding. We wish them both peace as the day approaches and the "to do" list seems daunting (it'll get done). :)
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