FORGIVE ME CLARK, as I didn't get a picture of him yesterday. When I took these of the girls, he was being changed and fed and I didn't want to interrupt the process with my evil flash on the camera.
Emma has her fist close to her face and is pretty in pink (though you can't really see it). Kendall is wearing the green flowery outfit (I'm starting to become a fan of those little flowers) and has her little hands up. (No picture of Clark, I'm sorry.) And the last one is part of the huge rainbow we saw in West Knoxville earlier today. Sort of a reminder (see the dark clouds in the background) that things are going to be OK - babies will be home soon and nothing else matters more to us right now than that. We are ready to be full-time parents to these amazing little miracles.
Today was a good day in the NICU again. The nurse was very sweet and the babies were adorable....OK, they are always adorable, but it was worth mentioning.
At this point, we are still working towards a Friday discharge, but it could be sooner. Apparently we are waiting because of Clark's brady eps. All three have eps occasionally, but his are more frequent. Our understanding was that they aren't necessarily too concerned as mostly they occur during feedings and he always self-corrects.
Aside from that issue, Clark is feeding well - or at least eating quite a bit - and he's gaining weight. For the time-being, we have nicknamed him "Little Pants" since he is the smallest, but we know that he will outgrow that nickname soon. We still think he's most likely our "zen baby" as he seems to be the quietest of the three.
Emma (AKA "Fussy Pants") is still the screamer when she is ready to get some attention - or is it just food that she wants???? We haven't quite figured out what is keeping her up between feedings when we are there, but it seems that she is always hungry. She ate her 2pm bottle in 4 minutes and later nursed for 9 minutes and then proceeded to suck down the entire 5pm bottle as well. We also think that she's pretty lonely in the room by herself. We are hoping that when the babies come home, she might be soothed by having the other two in the room or in the crib with her (we are planning to have them co-bed for a while).
Kendall, whom we affectionately call "Piggy Pants", is still spending her time growing and putting on weight. She had lost a little weight day before yesterday, but then was back up over 5lbs again yesterday. She is still pretty quiet until she is ready to eat and even then, she is easily comforted with the bottle and some snuggle time.
We are supposed to talk with the dr or nurse practitioner tomorrow to get a better idea of when to expect them home and the status of the car bed for Clark. Again, while we are planning for Friday, we are still hopeful that it could be sooner, so we will see what they tell us. There is a chance that we will room-in again for one night this week before they come home, but again, that's up-in-the-air.
I know that our babies are doing well because of the prayers of so many people, so thanks again for your continued prayers.
Yay! I can't wait to meet them!
We are so HAPPY that they are doing well! You all (all 5 of you :p) are constantly in our prayers! Can't wait to see them in person. They're ADORABLE!!!
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