Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Disappointed in Our Local District Attorney General, Randy Nichols

This is not a post about my children.  I've been following a local blogger/mom/citizen for over a year now as she dealt with the horrific injuries her son suffered at the hands of people who prey on young men and women in Knox County.  Her son, Henry, died later as a result of those injuries and a drug overdose (which was provided to him by adults he erroneously trusted).  She has blogged about her grief, her family, her quest to find justice for Henry. 
I felt sick as I read her post on Facebook (and then the details on the blog - see this link here) that "our" District Attorney General, Randy Nichols, has decided to close the case surrounding the death of Henry Granju.  I feel like I need to post a link to her post so that anyone locally who might have some influence might feel compelled to pound on the door of our District Attorney and tell him that this is NOT acceptable. 
As a mother of three young children, I worry that these people will continue to prey on the local children and continue to cause deaths that are preventable.  Preventable if we could just get these criminals off of the streets and away from our children!

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