Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Night Random Cuteness

Rock-a-bye baby doll.

Sissies reading a story together.

Look what I can do, Daddy!

The kids were pretty cute tonight once we dragged them upstairs.  They had a visit from Poo Pa and we were running a little behind.  We have discovered lately that it seems to work well when we come upstairs for baths and stay upstairs until bedtime.  Since they had a special visitor, we switched it up a little, but then had some playtime upstairs.  They love being in any room that is not their own, reading books together and playing with the things that they rediscover upstairs. 
Daddy looked away while getting Clark's hair combed and found Kendall goofing off in Clark's pack-n-play, so he asked her to do it again (hence the picture).  I have seen evidence of this before though I haven't thought too much about it since they rarely have the opportunity to do climbing like this.  I believe Daddy was a little surprised at her acrobatic abilities. :)
Tomorrow they have a big outing with Auntie Karen and Uncle Tom.  This will give them some time to get out of the house and burn off some energy and it will also allow Troy and I to continue our "Declutter 2011" work and begin the tagging process for the Knoxville Multiples Club Consignment Sale coming up in just a few weeks.  We have a garage full of things waiting to be sorted and either tagged for consigning or boxed up to donate to KARM.  I'm excited about the possibility of getting a lot done, but feeling a little yucky tonight (scratchy throat, achy and tired), so I'm going to call it a day and hope that a good night of rest will be the solution.

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