Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cheating...just a little

OK, so I should just admit up front that I'm cheating on this post.  Yesterday, I posted during naptime (which was a great plan since I felt like a dirty mop rag after they went to bed).  BUT I took more pictures yesterday afternoon while we had the kids outside.  I decided to save them for the post today because I'd be away for most of the day abd it was doubtful that I'd get to take any pictures.  Brilliant, right???

Anyway, I also want to mention that tonight was my last Fundamentals of Digital Photography I class and each student had to bring in four pictures to be viewed (and reviewed) by our peers.  I was stressed about the whole thing, although I think it was mostly just trying to look at all of the pictures I have taken in the last two months and choosing four to have up on the big screen in the class.  The point of me taking the class was to learn what freakin' button to push to get a picture how to better use my camera and also how to get better photos of my kids.    Admittedly, I've become more interested in the composition along the way and want "cool" pictures of anything, but most importantly my precious dumplins.  Well, the close up of Emma seemed to draw some interest and I was thrilled!  It was nice to be in a group of people who loved photography and thought this one was a keeper.  Whew.  Glad that is over.

Anyway, I'm hoping my friend W doesn't mind me posting pictures of her boys.  They were driving by when we were outside and joined in the sand table fun.  Her boys were SO sweet and it's obvious that Kendall was especially happy to have new friends who wanted to play.

What I did NOT realize was that my camera was in "auto" mode because hubby was taking some shots earlier.  Oops.  I don't think I caught it until just before we headed inside, so most of these were "cheating" and I had help from my camera.

This one and the one that's not great of Ems with her arms funny took place when they would play the music from the lawnmower and then Emma would dance.  The funny arms are part of her chicken-type dance.

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