Saturday, March 13, 2010


Kendall: A "Culture" Study:
Kendall said "awesome" tonight.  And it sounded awesome.  It is so fun to hear the new words that they learn every single day!  That is the highlight of my day.  And, since Kendall has the tendency to be a little uh, challenging, shall we say these days, it's nice to have fun moments like "awesome."  Her yogurt mess (AKA: A Culture Study) at dinner was another one of those moments.  Clean up wasn't all that fun, but it was hilarious when I realized that she was wearing more yogurt than she had consumed.  Her word for yogurt?  Go-gee, of course. 
Emma Being Blocktacular:
Emma is able to recognize capital letters (all of them).  We have some bigger blocks and she was so proud to hold one up and tell me what letter it had on it.  And then she said "four."  I looked and, sure enough, there was a "4" right there.  It appears that she has learned to recognize her numbers also.  We'll have to try a little pop quiz tomorrow to see what numbers she knows already, but I was pretty happy.

Honk if you love Clarkie:
Clark said "beep-beep" at the grocery store today.  That might not sound too impressive to some, but the fact that he got every consonant and vowel sound right and said it more than once was music to my ears!  When I hear him sing along with a song that is playing I get so excited for him.  And he very clearly signs "eat" while saying the word out loud when it's time for dinner which makes me oh so proud.  But oops, I did notice that I neglected to scrape all of the sweet potatoes from his little face after dinner, so they too are making an appearance on the blog tonight. 

Our day in a nutshell:
Today was a pretty good day.  We got out to the grocery store (as mentioned before) and had lunch there too.  Yummy.  Kendall even wanted to try out our sandwiches (they don't typically eat too much meat because they are not interested).
Daddy got home tonight just in time for baths, so we went for three-at-once which is always lots of fun (slightly stressful but comical to an outsider, I'm sure).  They had fun dumping water on each other rinsing the shampoo out of each other's hair and splashing water all over the bathroom floor.

After baths we had free play in the nursery running around naked until Mommy and Daddy could capture everyone and get them in diapers and jammies.  Kendall decided to try her hand at hair-styling and brushed Emma's hair.   Emma seemed less-than-concerned about what was happening to her hair.  Clark was being helpful by taking out all of the diapers from their place in the room.  And Kendall also put pillows on the floor and pretended to sleep (eyes open) and snore. 

We were going for an 8pm bedtime because of the time change tonight.  I don't want them sleeping until 10a tomorrow, so they will have to get up a little earlier than usual and lose the hour of sleep.
In fact, what am I still doing here???????????  I should be headed for bed so that I can get in a full night of sleep too. :)

1 comment:

Karen said...

Such a great post and beautiful pictures. That first one of it! Emma with nana's sweet! And Clark and his handsome! Good job mommy! Sounds like it was an "awesome" day. Give them all hugs for me.